Case 1:
Gender :Female
Age: 63 years old
Country: Middle east
Symptoms : osteoarthritis and hit pain
Hi ,Wing
Oh! if long time.
I'm happy with COZING-T02, i love this machine.
I have been focused on solving problems within my family, all with very good results.
I explain, my mom suffers from osteoarthritis in various parts of the body, being the more critical your knees, hips and shoulder; when you have crisis, a few sessions and feels very relieved,
My brother is an athlete and has had a couple of hits that are cured with laser sessions.
ah! I would love to meet other success stories, experiences on the use of the fantastic T02. This will be possible? What do you think?
Is for my a great pleasure, greet to you and i wait your response. (lol)
Case 2:
Age: Middle age
Hi, Lancy
My good friend , am very sorry I have not contacted you for long . First let me tell you that the COZING-T02 pain relief laser I bought from yor company is fantastic and work like magic, you have a good product in that machine.... ...
Your friend