[Acupoint Ganshu]at about 1.5 cun below the spinous process of the 9th thoracic vertebra in the back.
Ganshu(BL18) is an acupuncture point in the meridian named Taiyang Bladder Meridian of Foot.
Gan, Liver; shu, point. This point is where the Qi of Liver is infused into the back.
1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 9th thoracic vertebra.
1. Main point for hepatic diseases, such as jaundice, pain in the hypocondriac region.
2. Dizziness, headache, epilepsy, madness, convulsion.
3. Pain due to the depression of hepatic energy or gastric energy, such as gastritis and ulcer.
4. Main point for eye diseases. Acupuncture is proper to Excess Syndrome, moxibustion for deficiency syndrome.
5. Backache.
[Acupoint Shenshu] See 4, Mild Cognitive Impairment.
[Acupoint Pishu] at 1.5 cun below the spinous process of the 11th thoracic vertebra in the back.
Pishu(BL20) is an acupuncture point in the meridian named Taiyang Bladder Meridian of Foot.
Pi, spleen; shu, point. This point is where the Qi of spleen is infused into the back.
1.5 cun lateral to the lower border of the spinous process of the 11th thoracic vertebra.
1. gastric disorder, such as stomach, fullness of the stomach, nausea, vomiting, retching, hiccup, throwing out sore water, chronic diarrhea, etc.
2. anemia, bleed, menorrhagia.
3. cough and asthma with whitish watery phlegm.
4. edema, scanty urination.
[Acupoint Hegu] between the 1st and 2nd metacarpals of the fingers, slightly closer to the side of the index finger.
Hegu(LI4) is an acupuncture point in the meridian named Yangming Large Intestine Meridian of Hand. Hegu is the main point for dissipating pathogenic heat and sedating pain.
He, junction; gu, valley. This point is between the 1st and the 2nd metacarpal bones, location of the point is depressed as a valley.
On the dorsum of the hand, midway between the 1st and 2nd metacarpal bones, approximately in the middle of the 2nd metacarpal bone on the radial side.
(1) main point for diseases of the head, face and the five sense organs, especially good for toothache.
(2) relieving the pains of the whole body.
(3) lowering the blood pressure.
(4) relieving fever or cold, good for fever without sweating.
(5) regulating sweating, good for anhidrosis and hidrosis.
(6) good for delayed labour.
(7)good for the ache or numbness of the upper extremities, especially for the disturbances of the hand movement.
[Acupoint Yanglingquan] in the upper part of the lateral leg, and in the anterior and inferior part of fibular head.
Yang: Yang of yin-yang Ling: mound Quan: Spring
The lateral is Yang. The head of the fibula at the lateral aspect of the knee is prominent as a mound below which in the depression yanglingquan is located , like a spring.
Point: GB34
In the depression anterior and inferior to the small head of the fibula.
1.Benefit liver and gall bladder (spread flow of Liver Qi).
2.Resolve damp heat from liver channel (fullness, distension).
3.Remove obstruction from channel (wind, damp, stagnation, arthritis, atrophym Bi syndrome, windstroke).
4.Relax and strengthen sinew and bones.
1.Treat disorders of gall bladder: Jaundice, bitter taster in mouth, hiccups, vomiting, hepatitis, choldcystits, cholelithisis (cholecyslolithiasis), ascariasis of the gallbladder.
2. Good for Migraine, pain in the hypochondriae and costal region, sciatic neuralgia.
3. Local disorders: Pain in the knee joint hemiplegia.
[Acupoint Fenglong] about 8 cun above the tip of the lateral ankle and 1 cun outside the Tiaokou Acupoint.
Feng: plentiful Long: abundance
The qi of the stomach meridian is abundant; at this point it overflows into its major collateral.
Point: ST-40
8 cun above the external malleolus lateral to tiaokou (ST38) about two finger widths lateral to the anterior crest of the tibia.
1. Transform phlegm and dampness.
2. Calm the spirit.
3. Harmonize the stomach.
1. Treat disorders of spleen channel. This is most important point for phlegm. It helps to resolve phlegm so is used in cough with phlegm, ovary cyst, nodules, goiter, psycho-emotional problems, depression, mania, insomnia.
2. Treat disorders in region reached by the luo-connecting channel. As stomach luo-connecting point terminates at the throat so is indicated for various throat disorders.
3. Atrophy and paralysis of the legs.
[Acupoint Zusanli] See 4, Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI).
[Acupoint Weizhong] midpoint of popliteal fossa.
Point: BL40
On the midpoint of the transverse crease of the popliteal fossa, between the tendons of the biceps femoris and semitendinous.
1. Drain summer heat (heat in blood, heat in body).
2. Benefit lower back and knees (good for tendons).
3. Clear blood heat (toxinsout of blood, red rashes).
1. Main point for pains of the back and lumbar, spasm of the popliteal tendons, weakness or paralysis in the lower limbs.
2. Since Weizhong is the He-sea point of Bladder meridian, this is also main point in treating difficulty in urination, enuresis.
3. Diseases of skin: Erysipelas, urticaria, furuncles.
[Acupoint Quze] In the transverse stripes of elbow, the ulnar edge of brachii tendon.
Meaning: Qu: curve ze: marsh
Quze is the point where qi of the meridian infuses into the shallow depression of the elbow like a water flowing into a marsh.
On the transverse cubital crease, on the ulnar side of tendon of the biceps brachii muscle.
1. Open Heart qi (resuscitation, loss of consciousness).
2. Drain heat and cool blood. (heat that has gone deep into body, severe bronchitis, sunstroke ).
3. Sedate rebellious qi and stop vomiting.
1. Quze is good point for cardiac pain, palpitation, Sunstroke, Stomachache, vomiting, diarrhea.
2. Local problems: arm pain, elbow pain.