Tinnitus And Menieres Syndrome Therapy Acupuncture Lasaer Probe
1.)Lowers blood pressure
2.)Lowers cholesterol
3.)Lowers blood fat
4.)Lowers blood sugar
5.)Lowers High blood viscosity
6.)Reduces risk of heart attack
7.)Reduces risk of stroke
8.)Reduces inflammation and swelling
9.)Energizes cell activity and bloodstream
10.)Strengthens the immune system
11.)Regulates blood flow and circulation
12.)Enhances oxygen carrying capacity
13.)Improves cell deformability
14.)Therapy the various rhinitis
650nm low level laser functions:
Increased circulation and the formation of new capillaries.
Increased lymph system activity.
Increased production of collagen and fibroblasts.
Increased release of ATP, or raw cellular energy.
Increased phagocytosis, or cellular clean up.
Tissue granulation stimulated.
Inflammation reduced.
Clinical study
After 30 minutes treatment
We can see the blood red cells activated,it single and back to normal.
After about 30 days treatment
Headache , dizziness , chest tightness , shortness of breath , palpitations , drowsiness , insomnia , numbness , memory loss and other symptoms change or disappear.
After about 3 months treatment
User tests changes in blood flow , blood tests , blood viscosity , cholesterol , triglyceride , low density lipoprotein , or other indicators fall back to normal.
After 6 months and long term treatment :
Effectively improve and treat some diabetic, specially type2 diabetic sufferer. Effectively the balance of their pancreas function.
Long-term using will reject cardiovacular and cerebrovascular dieases, such as cerebral thrombosis, stroke and sudden death etc.